Lord Knight
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Популярные билдыHybrid
Perhaps the most staple of LK builds. They perform well in most situations, be it PvM, PvP, WoE or MVPing. The AGI allows them to have less than decent FLEE as well as ASPD, which coupled with the STR creates a steady damage output. The added DEX allows them to hit more than just the broad side of a barn, and the VIT just enhances their durability. The Speedfreak
This build mainly relies on their insane ASPD and Twohand Quicken for ctrl-click meleeing. They can attain superb flee and utilize the skill Parry for defensive purposes. SVD
They hit slow, but hard, and they rarely miss. The Meatshield builds spread their stats mainly between three compared to the other builds: STR, VIT and DEX. They may not have outstanding DPS (damage per second), but their burst offensive power and durability can make up for it. The Muramasa
This is a special build that relies on the usage of the weapon called Muramasa. Because the Muramasa curses the wielder randomly, if the player has one more point of total LUK than their baselevel, the curse effect can be negated. Although this build is not too common on iRO, it is such on kRO and certain other servers. An alternative to use Muramasa would be to use Holy Waters when one gets cursed instead of using this build. ПрокачкаВнимание! Вы можете помочь проекту, если добавите свой текст для данного подраздела. ASPDВнимание! Вы можете помочь проекту, если добавите свой текст для данного подраздела. Полезные ссылкиВнимание! Вы можете помочь проекту, если добавите свой текст для данного подраздела. Таблица для получения опытаКомментарии к статьеЭти комментарии к статье были добавлены посетителями сайта. Все замечания будут обязательно внесены в саму статью, а комментарии - удалены. Всего найдено комментариев : 3
История изменений в статье13-05-2009. При умении Berserk Flee уменьшается на 50%. Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 10.07.2009 10:47:29