Level 9 Cookbook

ID предмета : 7480
Sorrowful journey of a chef who lost his brother and his sense of taste while trying to make forbidden legendary food.
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 9 Foods.
Tendon Satay:
40 Tendon
1 Pot
10 Cheese
1 Spicy Sauce
2 Coal
30 Green Herb
10 Squid Ink
Special Meat Stew:
10 Meat
5 Royal Jelly
20 Shoot
4 Savory Sauce
5 Yellow Herb
10 White Herb
5 Red Herb
Ascending Dragon Soup:
10 Dragon Skin
20 Dragon Tail
3 Yggdrasil Leaf
6 Royal Jelly
1 Spicy Sauce
1 Red Spice
1 Fatty Chubby Earthworm
Tristan XII:
10 Yggdrasil Leaf
10 Orange
5 Alcohol
4 Royal Jelly
2 Blue Potion
1 Yellow Spice
10 Aloe Leaflet
Heavenly Fruit Juice:
5 Unripe Apple
10 Orange
10 Strawberry
1 Red Spice
1 Tropical Banana
5 Grape Juice
2 Alcohol
Blood Flavored Soda:
1 Animal Gore
2 Anodyne
2 Aloevera
2 Alcohol
6 Royal Jelly
1 Red Spice
10 Apple Juice
Вес : 1
Поддается ли заточке : Нет
Тип предмета : Etc item
Официальная цена : 1000

С кого падает
Turtle General2%

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