Death Guidance [2]

ID предмета : 1186
All present for the destruction of weapons that exist cursed.
The sword is the curse of his master, and is the owner and make someone unhappy.
STR + 5, AGI + 2
Perfect Dodge + 20
Add small chance to yourself and the enemy will get a random status effect When physically attacking.
When Physically attacking, an area 11 * 11 area will get hit for 100% damage while you regain 100% damage worth of HP.
[Refine Rate 9~10]
Area becomes 15 * 15, and you will do 200% damage to the area while you regaining 200% damage worth of HP.
Класс : Two-handed Sword
Атака : 200
Вес : 200
Уровень оружия : 4
Требуемый уровень игрока : 70
Профессия : Trans Swordman Class
Класс оружия : Two-handed sword
Поддается ли заточке : Да
На какой пол рассчитано : Женщины и мужчины
Тип предмета : Weapon
Официальная цена : 20
Тип профессии (нормальный класс, апперы, бейбики) : Upper jobs
Месторасположение вещи или оружия на теле игрока : Weapon+Shield
Дополнительные свойства :
{ bonus bStr,5; bonus bAgi,2; bonus bFlee2,20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NPC_HELLPOWER",1,10; bonus4 bAutoSpell,"NPC_HELLPOWER",1,10,0; if( getrefine() > 8 ) bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT",2,20; else bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT",1,20; }

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Invoker of Death [2]

1186 image:na_s.jpg It exists only to destroy all of existanace. A cursed weapon only for that purpose. Whoever uses this weapon also gets cursed, and is said to give misfortune.
ATK: 200 Weapon Level: 4 Weight: 200 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Trans Swordsman Type Required Level: 70 Attribute: Neutral Class: Two-Hand Sword
  • STR + 5
  • AGI + 2
  • Perfect Dodge +20
  • When physically attacking, there is a chance you and the enemy will get a random status effect.
  • When physically attacking, there is a chance to cast Vampire Gift lvl 1, causing 100% damage on each target in a 11x11 area around you. You will recover the damage done on all the targets in this area.
  • When refined to +9 or higher the Sword autocasts Vampire gift lvl 2 instead, covering an area of 15x15 cells and dealing 200% damage on each target.

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