2. Talk to the Compass (malangdo 212, 204) and insert Adventure Card A to begin the race.
There are five colors of compass. You will be told the order that you have to go to them in (memorize it!).
Run as fast as you can to each compass in turn, solve the basic math problem, and then go on to the next for 3mins time.
After the last one, talk to the Meowbell in the middle of the ship.
Compass Location
Yellow / Gold
White / Cloud
Green / Forest
Blue / Sky
Red / Flame
3. After the last one, talk to the Meowbell (malangdo 177,162) in the middle of the ship.
Note: If you got a passing mark and on time, talk to [Meow Team] Roku, otherwise, you may try again.
4. Return to [Meow Team] Roku you will receive 3 E Class Coin and get the 23 hr cooldown.
История изменений в статье
19-04-2013. Статья добавлена на сайт.
Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 19.04.2013 20:46:30 Просмотров данной статьи: 4149
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