Try to defeat the Unidentified Creature by talking to Black Shadow
(mora 114, 82)
Note 1: A good technique is to use "Skill" or "Teeth" then "Dodge." You can also cancel the battle if you fail to
hit the enemy/get hit in the first round, to give yourself a headstart. As comparison, Here is result for each option when
you attacking if it hits.Use Weapon : 10 damage, high accuracy. Use Skill : 20 damage, medium accuracy. Use
Teeth/Bite : 50 damage, low accuracy
Note 2: If you lose, you will be teleported to the Mora inn. You can restart the battle by walking near one of
the ??? - Spots in the water
(mora 116, 82)
, so the Black Shadow will be available again for battle. The NPC battle is similar to the Seal 4 Dwarf. It's advised to
cancel the battle when your HP is below 60.
Once you win the battle, finish the dialogue and you obtain the Research Tool Bag.
Come back after 1 hour and the Raffle Researcher will ask you to defeat the Unidentified
Creature 3 more times. You may need to talk to him several times before he asks you to do this. [Note: The one-hour
cooldown isn't to receive this quest but to be able to fight the Creatue again.]
Each time you fight and defeat the Creature, you will need to rest for 1 hour.
Return to the Raffle Researcher and he will give you 10 Test Tube ask you to collect 10 Bath Water
At the bath pool, click on the ??? spots to collect water samples.
When you return with the 10 Bath Water Samples, the researcher tells you he will need 1 day to analyze them. He will
also give you 1 Mora Coin.
Return to the Raffle Researcher and he will ask you to collect either 10 Scale Sample or
10 Teeth Sample from the bath water.
At the bath pool, click on the ??? spots to collect samples.
When you return with the 10 samples, the researcher tells you he will need 6 hours to analyze them. He will also give
you 1 Mora Coin.
Note: You may be asked to repeat steps 10 ~ 12 after the 6 hour wait. Doing so will reward an
additional Mora Coin.
After 6 hours, the researcher asks you to collect 4 Sample of Puddle Research from the ponds on
the field outside town. He will give you 1 Test Tube at a time and ask you to visit the following ponds:
East, 2 o'clock
(bif_fild02 312, 285)
East ponds
West, 7 o'clock
(bif_fild02 68, 108)
West ponds
South, 6 o'clock
(bif_fild02 223, 63)
South ponds
North, 11 o'clock
(bif_fild02 115, 347)
North ponds
After you return, you'll be rewarded with 4 Mora Coins and asked to return in 12 hours.
Return after 12 hours and you will be shown the results of your research. You will also be rewarded with 1,000,000
Base EXP, 4,000,000 Job EXP and 30 additional Mora Coins.
Return to the lake and fight the Unidentified Creature 30 times.
After battling him 30 times, come back again and he'll ask you not to bully him anymore. Offer to help him and he'll let
you know that he's actually a fish named Fishee that lived in one of the puddles outside of town.
He then requests you to go find his family and tell them that he's okay.
Go to the 4 ponds on the field outside of town and search for his family. When you find his family, tell them his name
and they will tell you to talk to their son again after you let them know he is okay.
Return to Fishee once more and he will reward you with a Fish Pin.
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