Dewata Quests: Dewata Legend Quest (англ.)

Dewata Legend Quest

Dewata Legend Quest
Base Level: 60
Item(s) (Consumed): 6405.png 15 Cendrawasih Feathers
Item(s): 18520.png 1 Jaty Crown11533.png 5 Satay6406.png 1 Shining Cendrawasih Feather
Quest Reward(s): Access to Krakatau Volcano

1. Go to Dewata field (dew_fild01 60,273) and a dialog will pop out. You will hear the 2 people talking about their inability to produce the Jaty Crown, which only a noble person can create. ycw3SwT.jpg

2. After listening to the conversation, enter the portal ahead.

3. Talk to Sage Kasyapa and tell him you overheard the story of the crown. Offer to help him and he suggests you speak with the tribal leader, Paiko. T0PDXSQ.jpg

4. Talk to Paiko and tell him that you overheard the story by accident.

5. After the conversation with them, move just a few cells south from Paiko (somewhere near the fireplace and portal) and a dialog will pop-out. You will overhear them again talking about how you can help them create the Jaty Crown.

6. Return to Paiko. Offer him to help making the Jaty Crown. Speak to Sage Kasyapa and he will ask you to gather 15  Cendrawasih Feathers.

7. After collecting the feathers, talk to Sage Kasyapa and he will give you a Shining Cendrawasih Feather  as certification.

8. Talk to Paiko, and he will ask you to deliver food to specific people. He will give you 2 Satays for each person. You need to return to Paiko after each delivery. Listed below are the people you need to deliver to in order.

 1. Tribal Soldier (dew_fild01 78, 288)


 2. Tribal Manager (dew_fild01 185, 300)


3. Krakatau Gatekeeper


4. Borobudur Temple Guard


9. After delivering satay to the temple guard. Return to Paiko and he will reward you with a Jaty Crown  and 5 Satay.


История изменений в статье

17-03-2012. Статья добавлена на сайт.
04-11-2019. Добавлены скрины

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 04.11.2019 0:27:37
Просмотров данной статьи: 7508


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