. She asks you to bring her a seed for a Flower of Alfheim.
Speak to the Middle-ranked Laphine inside a hut at
(splendide 284, 228)
, she will give you a Sprout.
Place the Sprout on any of the purifiers around the perimeter of the center of the village. You will receive Flower of
(splendide 262, 262)
(splendide 262, 187)
(splendide 164, 82)
(splendide 171, 116)
(splendide 160, 265)
(splendide 134, 280)
Return to Grenouille and give her the flower. Keep talking to her until she makes Spirit of Alfheim out
of it and asks you to take it to the exhausted soldiers. After you use perfume on an Exhausted Soldier, the
NPC disappears and will return after one minute.
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19-04-2013. Серия квестов
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