Go to floor 2 via the portal at the north end of the room.
Note: If you get disconnected at anytime after going to
the 2nd floor, you will be unable to re-enter the instance until the cool down
has expired.
Shortest path through the maze
Work your way through a short maze.
At the end of the maze (199,178), you will warp to the boss room. Once the
party leader steps forward Nidhoggur's Shadow will spawn at the center of
the room.
Approximately every 3 min while fighting Nidhoggur's Shadow, the entire
party will be warped to 1 of 4 side rooms. They will receive several Status
Effects that last for 30 seconds and ignore all
resistances/immunities. 3 Ryncho and 2 Phylla will spawn in the side room with
the party, they must be defeated before the party can leave the room.
Southwest (red) room: HP-75%, Bleeding Ailment (icon does
not show)
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