Кошмар Мидгарда: God Items Quest 2 (англ.)

God Items Quest 2

Базовый уровень: N/A (None)?
Требуемый лут: список внизу
Награда: Aesprika или Brynhild

Примечания от mgk4ever

Инвесты в экономику не должны быть ниже 60! Инвесты в дэфенс не должны быть ниже 40!

При выполнении всех этих пунктов (инвесты + лут) вам будет предложено телепортироваться в другой мир (Okholnir). Время, отведенное на квест - 1 час! По истечению которого всю вашу партию телепортирует к (???SavePoint???).
И еще нюанс. На оффе минимальное количество членов партии 16!
На афине по стандарту стоит 12!
Тут будут разногласия между серверами.

С другой стороны должен как-то фиксится дамаг у ТК, ибо у него есть скилл, увеличивающий дамаг от количества людей в пати.....

Хм. Я не менял ничего - стоит как на оффе.
В каждом замке WoE SE можно начинать этот квест. Вот координаты NPC:
Yuno Castles
sc hg_cas05,280,379

Rachel Castles
aru g_cas04,378,78
По поводу партии. Если сформирована партия - все игроки должны быть ONLINE и все игроки должны быть ТОЛЬКО с гильдии, проходящей квест на God Items 2.

This quest involves making your way though the Okolnir Dungeon.

Начало квеста в замке с координатами schg_cas01 280 379

The dungeon itself is a trial set out by the Valkyries where a team of up to 20 players must attempt to clear a series of difficult challenges. A time limit exists of one hour. Should you fail and run out of time, there is a 22 hour delay before you can make another attempt. Within the dungeon there is no death penalty, but most monsters are not worth experience or do not have drops.

Step 1: The Garden Labyrinth

When you first enter, the players in your party will be scattered randomly throughout a large hedge maze. This maze has barricades in the form of colored flowers, which prevent you from passing. Every minute or two these flowers shift color and position, effectively re-organizing the maze. These flowers are ultimately unkillable, as it would be impossible to deal the damage required to kill them before the maze shifts.

When you spawn, you will appear next to a first class apparition of yourself (similar to Biolaboratory Floor 2 monsters). This monster will have your base job and name. When all of the monsters die, a series of 99 transcendent ghosts will spawn randomly within the maze (same as the Biolaboratory Floor 3 level 99 monsters). When all these ghosts die, the plant barriers will vanish and you will be allowed to leave the maze.

Step 2: Passage through the Sky

You will have to follow a winding passage through the sky to reach your next objective. Aggressive Garden Watchers will attack you here. In order to open access to the following area, you must find and kill all the non-aggressive Garden Keepers along the way.

Step 3: Battle Versus Piamette

You enter a large room, with Piamette sitting near the center. Piamette cannot be attacked at this time. Randomly, 6 of your teammates will be captured and placed petrified in cages around the outskirts of the room. The remaining players will be attacked by a large number of Violies, Alices, and Ancient Mimics. When all the monsters are dead, 6 barricades will appear near the cages. By destroying the barricades, your teammates will be freed. Be warned, as there is a very high spawn rate of constants near the barricades.

At this point, Piamette will become angry with you and attack your party. You must defeat her in order to move on.

Step 4: Temple

After leaving Piamette's room you will be greeted by the NPC of the Valkyrie Wish Maiden. You must clear your way through a temple filled with Frus, Skogul, and Garden Watchers. There are extremely large numbers of monsters here; it is estimated that there are nearly 150-250 Frus and Skogul in a relatively small area. You must kill all the monsters here and make it to the top of the temple.

Step 5: Battle Versus Valkyrie Wish Maiden

Having made it to the top of the temple, the monster Valkyrie Wish Maiden will appear. You must defeat the Valkyrie Wish Maiden at this time to finish the quest.

Лут не забирается сразу. После разбития 3 Seals (в самом конце вы начинаете сражаться с Wish Maiden, после победы она говорит вам, что вы достойны подарка от Богов и предлагает вам сделать на выбор Asprika или Brynhild. Вот только тогда у вас заберется этот лут).


1 Dusk Glow
1 Dawn Essence
1 Cold Moonlight
1 Hazy Starlight
1 Heavenly Maiden Robe [1]
100 Soft Feather
10 Agate
10 Rose Quartz
20 Elunium

1 Goddess Tear
1 Valkyrie's Token
1 Brynhild Armor Piece
1 Hero Remains
1 Valkyrian Armor [1]
100 Valhala's Flower
1 Andvari's Ring
10 Gold
20 Elunium

Примечание от 26-02-2009 mgk4ever: Необходимо иметь инвест замка не ниже (??? потом напишу???). Нужно владеть замком Schwaltzvalt Castle 1. Начало квеста в замке с координатами schg_cas01 280 379 (Поговорить с НПЦ).

История изменений в статье

09-12-2008. Статья добавлена на сайт.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 23.05.2009
Просмотров данной статьи: 50203


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