Лайтхальзен: Doomed Swords and Comodo Cheese Quest (англ.)

Doomed Swords and Comodo Cheese Quest

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Doomed Swords and Comodo Cheese Quest 
Base Level:  N/A 
Item(s) (Consumed):  1 Blue Gemstone, 1 Aquamarine, 1 Emerald, 1 Shining Stone, 1 Elunium, 1 Spider Web, 2 Snake Scales, 1 Shining Scale, 1 Stinky Scale, 1 Scale Shell, 3 Claw of Desert Wolf, 10 Tooth of Bat, 1 Piece of Egg Shell, 20 Red Herbs, 5 Stones, 1 Stone Heart, 2 Iron Ore, 10 Acorn, 5 Decayed Nail, 2 Brigan, 1 Phracon, 1 Emperium, 3 Tentacles, 2 Coal, 25 Amulet, 1 Necklace of Oblivion, 3 Old Hilt, 3 Wooden Blocks, 3 Foolishness of the Blind, 50 Ogre Tooth, 9 Bloody Edge, 6 Blade Lost in Darkness, 9 Ruby, 1 Loki's Whispers 

24. Go to Juno (261,99) look for A sage Ichealla. He asks you to bring:

  • 3 Claw of Desert Wolf
  • 10 Tooth of Bat
  • 1 Piece of Egg Shell

Obtain the Real Muriniel's Stamp.

25. Talk to sage Shichealla at Juno (305,207). He asks you to bring:

  • 20 Red Herbs
  • 5 Stone
  • 1 Stone Heart

Obtain Muriniel's Stamping Ink.

26. Talk to sage Eschealla at Juno (213,298). He asks you to bring:

  • 2 Iron Ore
  • 10 Acorn
  • 5 Decayed Nail
  • 2 Brigan
  • 1 Phracon

Obtain Muriniel's Compass.

27. Go to (mjolnir_02 170 193). Search the hut to find Muriniel's Recording.

28. Walk down from the hut and meet the Middle Aged Man (Walker) at (mjolnir_02 186,193). He asks you to bring:

  • 1 Emperium
  • 3 Tentacles
  • 1 Coal
  • 25 Amulet
  • 1 Necklace of Oblivion

29. Talk to the Old Man (Cutting nail old man, Molf) at Payon (248,159). He asks you to bring:

  • 3 Old Hilt
  • 1 Coal
  • 3 Trunks
  • 1 Foolishness of the Blind
  • 50 Ogre Tooth

30. Talk to the Bachelor (Hyui) in Morroc (248,159). He asks you to bring:

  • 9 Bloody Edge
  • 6 Blade Lost in Darkness
  • 9 Ruby
  • 1 Loki's Whispers

You will randomly get 1 of the 3 Doomed swords.

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