Лоуянг: Revolution Quest (англ.)

Revolution Quest

Базовый уровень: N/A
Парти: 8 персонажей, включая торговца с тележкой
Награда: 1 Red Envelope/на человека

1. Find the residence of the hermit in Louyang (louyang 130 60).

2. Enter the building, and then talk to the Hermit.

Note: You must have a party to continue.

3. Add one party member each time you talk to the hermit. The party members also need join the revolution by speaking to the NPC.

If you add more than one party member at a time, the hermit will give you a warning.

5. When reach the target (have 8 party members), the Hermit will explain the next mission.

6. The Hermit will give you 8 Mud Lump, 8 Lava, 8 Burn Tree, and tell players go to find Hao QianLiu

7. All party members need go to Louyang to find Hao QianLiu (louyang 218 252). To pass the soldier you need to have a merchant type character put the items in their push cart.

8. Find Hao QianLiu, ( lou_in01 43 147) ask him to help make gunpowder. All party members need to be online at the same time to make the gunpowder.

9. After making the gunpowder, go back to talk to the Hermit. Put the gunpowder in the push cart again to pass the soldier.

10. Give the gunpowder to the Hermit. Your mission is complete and you will receive a Red Envelope for each party member.


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