Использование смайликов

Не секрет, что в игре вы можете использовать анимированные смайлики, которые возникают над головой вашего персонажа. В этой статье вы найдете описание большинства таких смайликов. Желающие - помогите с переводом колонки "Описание" и "Использование".

Как использовать смайлик? В чате набираете команду или нажимаете указанные клавиши (из колоки "Команда").

Команда Рис. Описание Использование
Ctrl + =
Image:Emote_bawi.png Bawi / Rock Used in "rock, paper, scissors", or to indicate raising of the fist.
Ctrl + \
Image:Emote_bo.png Bo / Paper Used in "rock, paper, scissors" and in greetings/farewells.
Ctrl + -
Image:Emote_gawi.png Gawi / Scissors Used in "rock, paper, scissors" and in greetings/farewells.
/! Image:exc.gif Exclamation mark Often used when surprised.
/? Image:que.gif Question mark Often used when in question.
/ho Image:hoe.gif Music note Often used when 'whistling bored'.
/lv Image:lov.gif Beating heart Often used when you're in love.
/lv2 File:Lov2.gif Exploding heart Simply a different version of the above /lv.
/swt Image:swt.gif Sweat drop Anime-styled sweat drop. Usable for any purpose.
/ic Image:lit.gif Light bulb Used when you've finally figure something out.
/an Image:ang.gif Anger vein Anime-styled anger vein. Use when angry.
/ag Image:agh.gif Storm cloud The symbol of true frustration. Use when moody.
/$ Image:money.gif Dollar sign Use when you've just gained a lot of money, or going to get a lot of it.
/... Image:....gif Three dots Use when speechless.
/thx Image:thx.gif Thank you! Use when thanking someone,
/wah Image:wah.gif Look of panic /or panicking
/sry Image:sry.gif Sorry look Use when sorry for doing something bad.
/heh Image:heh.gif Laughing face Multiple uses from simply laughing at a joke to mocking someone.
/swt2 Image:swt2.gif Explosive sweat Used when in panic.
/hmm Image:hmm.gif Thinking face Used when pondering an unfathomable situation or incident, or when thinking abou something.
/no1 Image:no1.gif Thumbs up and a wink A praising gesture.
/ok Image:ok.gif Head bobbing up and down Used when agreeing.
/omg Image:omg.gif Shocked face! Used when expressing utter disgust or shock.
/oh Image:ohh.gif Sign with a red circle Used when saying "Oh!".
/X Image:ecks.gif Sign with a red X Used when saying "No.".
/hlp Image:hlp.gif Four Help signs pop above you Used when desperately asking for help.
/go Image:goo.gif Explosive Go! sign Used to commence an action or event.
/sob Image:sob.gif Crying face Used when sad.
/gg Image:ggg.gif Evil giggling face A laugh with bad intentions in mind.
/kis Image:kis.gif A kiss with a heart facing right Used when kissing someone on your right side.
/kis2 Image:kis2.gif A kiss facing left Used when kissing someone on your left side.
/pif Image:pif.gif A pif. Used when blowing smoke into someones face or right after finishing a "supposedly difficult" task
/?? Image:ono.gif Shaking head Used when disagreeing.
or /e1
Image:bzz.gif Angry face with an anger vein Used when expressing directed anger.
or /e2
Image:rice.gif Drooly face Used when drooling about something (or someone) delicious.
or /e3
Image:awsm.gif Eyes popping hearts Used when totally ogling someone irresistibly sexy.
or /e4
Image:meh.gif Flapping tongue Used when licking someone on your left or saying "So what?"
or /e5
Image:shy.gif Blushing Used when blushing or saying "Tsk tsk."
or /e6
Image:pat.gif A hand petting Used when comforting someone beside you.
or /e7
Image:mep.gif A clock with SP appears Used when signaling that the user is low on SP.
or /e8
Image:slur.gif A lustful face with drool Used when you have the desire to eat someone.
or /e9
Image:come.gif A finger directing something to come towards you Can also mean the user is 'fingering' someone.
or /e10
Image:yawn.gif A big yawny face Used to express boredom.
or /e11
File:Grat.gif A glittery explosion with the word Congratulations! Used when congratulating someone.
or /e12
Image:hep.gif A clock with HP appears Used when signaling that the user is low on HP.
or /e13
Image:fsh.gif Shiny eyes can be used when you see something you always want to have.
or /e14
Image:spin.gif Dizzy look with drool Used when dizzy.
or /e15
Image:sigh.gif An exhaling puff Used when tired.
or /e16
Image:dum.gif A blank expression Used when dumbstruck.
or /e17
File:Crwd.gif Expression of loud clamoring Used when 'making loud noises'. However spamming seems alot louder.
or /e18
File:Desp.gif A stick person falling on hands and knees Everyone's favorite emote. However its an anime expression of giving up.
or /e19
File:Dice.gif A dice roll It rolls random numbers from 1-6.
/e20 File:E20.gif A finger pointing upward.  
or /e27
Image:hum.gif An annoyed expression.  
or /e28
Image:abs.gif An emotion usually seen in humorous anime when you've done something very wrong, you then falls down and your soul comes out as if you die from embarassment/being frightened. Basically just a different version of the /panic shown below.  ?
or /e29
Image:oops.gif An eyepopping and red faced emotion. Used to convey embarrasment at making a mistake.
or /e30
Image:spit.gif A mouth spitting/throwing up. Used when something is so disgusting that you throw up.
or /e31
Image:ene.gif A "blessed" face  ?
or /e32
Image:panic.gif A frightful face. Used when something absolutely horrible has happened.
or /e33
Image:whisp.gif A spinning whisper face.  

Комментарии к статье

Эти комментарии к статье были добавлены посетителями сайта. Все замечания будут обязательно внесены в саму статью, а комментарии - удалены.

Всего найдено комментариев : 2

Aleksii_III 23.10.2009 17:43:44 : все смайлы можно пробиндить в меню команд, и лучше сделать не просто команду а набрать @emotion X, где X номер команды, а вот номера эти самые я не помню, сами подбирайте!

Влад 23.10.2009 15:06:48 : За смайлы конечно спасибо, но было бы еще лучше, если бы еще эмоции(@emotion @emo) на эти смайлы написали)))

История изменений в статье

22-10-2009. Статья добавлена на сайт.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 22.10.2009 16:25:32
Просмотров данной статьи: 20009


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