Альберта: Solo Master

Solo Master



Solo Master
Base Level:  
Hunting: 20 Zerom

20 Requiem
40 Arclouze
30  High Orc
20  Green Maiden
50 Mao Guai
40 Firelock Soldier
20 The Paper

Quest Prerequisite(s): Amatsu Dungeon Entrance Quest (permission to Amatsu Dungeon)
Item(s): 5448.png Indifferent Solo Hat [1]
  1. Speak with Alonie   and he told you that he is a soloing master. Choice to be disciplined.
    • The first training is hunting at Sphinx 2F.
  2. Kill 20 Zerom and 20 Requiem.
  3. Return to Alonie and the second training is at Clock tower
  4. Hunt 40 Arclouze at Clock Tower B1F and 30 High Orc  at Clock Tower B2F
  5. Return to Alonie and the third training is at Louyang Dungeon 3: Suei Long Gon
  6. Hunt 20 Green Maiden and 50 Mao Guai
  7. Return to Alonie and the final training is at Amatsu Dungeon 3: Amatsu Underground Shrine
  8. Hunt 40 Firelock Soldier and 20 The Paper
    • Need to finish Amatsu Dungeon Entrance Quest quest to get permission to Amatsu Dungeon
    • There is more Firelock Soldier at first floor
    • You can't using flying wing at first floor and logging out would cause teleporting back to memory place.
  9. Return to Alonie and receive a 5448.png Indifferent Solo Hat [1]

История изменений в статье

03-11-2019. Статья добавлена на сайт.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 03.11.2019 22:54:45
Просмотров данной статьи: 1950


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