El Dicastes Quests: Chesire's New Day (А)

Квест не работает: Фриро-2019

Chesire's New Day
Base Level: ??
Требуемый квест: Doha's Secret Orders
Base Experience: 50,000
Job Experience: 40,000
Item(s): Sapha Certification
  1. Go to the Dicastes Diel and then walk near the guard outside Ahat's office. Chesire   will appear and ask you to collect and deliver a box.
  2. Go to the Kamidal Tunnel (2 areas south and 1 area west).
  3. Interact with the Stacked Boxes of Goods, which is located immediately west of the entrance to Scarab Hall  , and you will receive 1 Bradium Box .
  4. Go to Bifrost Field 1   and then talk with Cheshire, who takes the Bradium Box from you.

Note: If you lose the Bradium Box, then Chesire will require you to replace it with 20 Refined Bradium.

Tip: To quickly travel to Bifrost Field 1, use a Mysterious Seed.

История изменений в статье

17-03-2012. Статья добавлена на сайт.
04-11-2019. "Причесал" квест
15-12-2019. Квест не работает на Фриро.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 15.12.2019 22:21:34
Просмотров данной статьи: 8234


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