Port Malaya Quests: Marie's Child

Marie's Child

Marie's Child
Base Level: 100
Item(s) (Consumed): 12700.png 1 Inside-Out Shirt
Quest Prerequisite(s): Cautious Village
Base Experience: 200,000
Job Experience: 200,000
Item(s): 6497.png 1 Lesser Agimat (Non-VIP)

6497.png 2 Lesser Agimat (VIP)

  1. Speak with Marie  . She tells you her daughter is missing and asks for your help.
  2. Help her. She tells you that her daughter might be lost in the woods and if you see her daughter, give her 1 Inside-Out Shirt so she can return home.
  3. The child spawns at 3 random locations on the map.
    •  [North West]
    •  [Middle West]
    •  [South East]
  4. When you find the child, give her the shirt and return to Marie.
  5. She thanks you for the job and gives you 1 Lesser Agimat, EXP & Job EXP

История изменений в статье

19-04-2013. Статья добавлена на сайт (англ.).
04-11-2019. Внесены скрины и правки.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 04.11.2019 0:36:39
Просмотров данной статьи: 4103


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