12.1 Cards

Новые карты 2007 года. Добавлены в августе на kRO Sakray

Weapon Cards
Monster Effect Prefix/Postfix
Atroce (MVP) ATK+25.
When dealing a physical attack there is a small chance that for 10 seconds your aspd will increase by 100%.
Bow Guardian CRIT+5, HIT+5.
Increases arrow shower damage when used with a bow by 50%.
Drosera CRIT + 15 with long ranged attacks. Crane/-
Necromancer When slotted in a rod type weapon, INT + 1, adds 2% magic defence bypassing. Ignore/-
Sword Guardian CRIT+5, HIT+5.
Increases Bowling Bash damage with a one hand or two handed sword by 25%.
Headgear Cards
Monster Effect Prefix/Postfix
Banshee When equipped by a mage type class, SP + 100, HP - 100.
Soul Strike, Napalm Beat, Napalm Vulcan damage + 20%.
Issila INT + 2
When performing a magical attack theres a small chance that for 5 seconds you'll gain 50% reduction in cast time and FLEE + 30.
Knocker Increases damage on formless monsters by 5%.
When killing a formless monster there is a small chance to gain rough oridecon or rough elunium.
Vanberk STR + 2
When attacking there is a small chance that for 5 seconds you'll gain CRIT + 100.
Armor Cards
Monster Effect Prefix/Postfix
Agav MATK + 5%, DEF - 10.
When equipped by a mage type class, SP + 100.
Byorgue When equipped by a Rogue or Stalker, ATK + 10%, MATK + 10%. Exceed/-
Echio ATK + 15
When equipped by a swordsman type class, HP + 500.
Gloom Under Night (MVP) Increases damage against Holy Element, Shadow Element, Angel Race, and Demon Race monsters by 40%. Abyss/-
Ktullanux (MVP) Increases damage against fire property monsters by 50%.
When taking physical or magical damage, there's a high chance to autocast Frost Nova 10.
Jack Frost/-
Shield Cards
Monster Effect Prefix/Postfix
Flame Skull Stun, Curse, Blind, and Petrification resistance + 30%.
When recieving physical short range damage, there's a chance to cause stun, curse, blind, and stone on the target.
Hodremlin Reduces damage from small, medium, and large type monsters by 15%.
When recieving physical or magical damage, there is a small chance that for 10 seconds you gain Perfect Flee + 30.
Muscipular When reciving short range physical damage, there's a chance to cast Heal Lv1 and Agi Up Lv1 on yourself. Solace/-
Seeker Allows use of Stone Curse Lv1.
Resistance to petrification + 30%.
MDEF + 10.
Garment Cards
Monster Effect Prefix/Postfix
Kasa When dealing physical damage there's a chance to autocast Fire Bolt Lv 5 and Fire Ball Lv 5. Stygia/-
Magmaring ATK + 5.
Increases damage on earth element monsters by 10%.
Gains CRIT + 15 versus brute type monsters.
Roween FLEE + 5, Perfect Dodge + 3.
Increases damage on water element monsters by 10%.
Gains CRIT + 15 versus fish type monsters.
Salamander Fire Pillar and Meteor Storm damage + 40%. Nessus/-
Shoes Cards
Monster Effect Prefix/Postfix
Fallen Bishop Hibram (MVP) MATK + 10%, MaxSP - 50%.
Deals 50% more magical damage on Demihuman and Angel race targets.
Ice Titan VIT + 2.
When taking physical or magical damage, there is a chance that for 10 seconds you'll gain DEF + 10.
Zombie Slaughter When killing a monster, recover 50HP.
Increases physical and magical damage on demihuman targets by 1%.
Accessory Cards
Monster Effect Prefix/Postfix
Galion HIT + 5.
Increases damage on water element monsters by 5%.
Gazeti When dealing physical damage there's a chance to autocast Cold Bolt Lv2. Hailing/-
Hell Poodle HIT + 1.
Meat recovery rate + 100%.
When dealing short range physical damage, there's a chance to cause bleeding on the opponent.
Mad Dog/-
Ifrit (MVP) ATK, CRIT, and HIT are all increased by your job level.
When recieving physical damage there is a chance to autocast Earthquake LV2.
Imp Decreases cast time of fire bolt by 25%, and increases its damage by 25%. Ignite/-
Ragged Zombie When attacking a demihuman target, CRIT + 5, +1% physical and magical damage.
Gain a chance to cause bleeding on yourself when attacking.
When equipped with the Zombie Slaughter Card, it removes the chance to cause bleeding on yourself, and gain 2 sp each time you kill a monster.
Siroma Decreases cast time of cold bolt by 25%, and increases its damage by 25%. Grain/-
Snowier Gain a very high chance to gain Ice Cream when killing a monster.
Ice Cream recovery rate + 100%.
Stapo Grants use of the skills Pick Up Stone, and Throw Stone. Stony/-

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 27.02.2009
Просмотров данной статьи: 7493


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