Cursed Abbey

Подземелье Cursed Abbey (Проклятое Аббатство) добавлено в эпизоде 11.3: Неисследованные земли (Episode 11.3: Undiscovered). Вход в подземелье находится на безымянном острове (Nameless Island).

1. Квест на вход в подземелье.
2. Гайд на прокачку в подземелье.

Информация о локациях

The Nameless Island (nameless_n)
Spawn Unknown

Nameless_n.gif (63239 bytes)

Cursed Abbey Dungeon (abbey01)
Spawn Unknown

Abbey01.gif (3463 bytes)

Cursed Abbey Dungeon (abbey02)
Flame Skull, Ragged Zombie, Zombie Slaughter, Banshee, Necromancer, Fallen Bishop

Abbey02.gif (4238 bytes)

Cursed Abbey Dungeon (abbey03)

Abbey03.gif (3822 bytes)

Информация о монстрах

Name Flame Skull Race Demon Lv 60 ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element Ghost 3 HP 10,080 Def ?+30
Size Small Exp ? / ? MDef ?+55
Special Agressive
Skills Snap
Drops N/A
Notes 30 Vit, 40 Int

Flameskull.gif (15479 bytes)

Name Hell Poodle Race Demon Lv 71 ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element Dark 1 HP 9,000 Def ?+14
Size ? Exp ? / ? MDef ?+12
Special Agressive
Skills N/A
Drops N/A
Notes 14 Vit, 5 Int

Hell_Poodle.gif (10711 bytes)

Name Ragged Zombie Race Undead Lv 75 ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element Undead 3 HP 25,000 Def ?+25
Size Medium Exp ? / ? MDef ?+22
Special Agressive Ranged
Skills Arrow Shower
Drops Skel Bone, Memento
Notes 25 Vit, 10 Int

Ragged_Zombie.gif (23359 bytes)

Name Zombie Slaughter Race Undead Lv 77 ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element Undead 3 HP 43,000 Def ?+50
Size Medium Exp ? / ? MDef ?+26
Special Agressive
Skills Sonic Blow (uses very frequently)
Drops N/A
Notes 50 Vit, 1 Int

Zombie_Slaughter.gif (62246 bytes)

Name Banshee Race Demon Lv 81 ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element Dark 2 HP 35,111 Def ?+1
Size Medium Exp ? / ? MDef ?+120
Special Agressive
Skills Soul Strike, Critical Wounds (Reduces all incoming healing skills and items by 40%)
Drops N/A
Notes 1 Vit, 120 Int

Banshee.gif (12847 bytes)

Name Hell Fly Race ? Lv ? ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element ? HP ? Def ?+?
Size ? Exp ? / ? MDef ?+?
Special Agressive
Skills Heal (3268)
Drops N/A
Notes Currently using the Hunterfly sprite.

Hell_Fly.gif (1225 bytes)

Name Necromancer Race Undead Lv 88 ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element Undead 4 HP 98,000 Def ?+1
Size ? Exp ? / ? MDef ?+76
Special BOSS Type, Agressive
Skills Thunder Storm, Reflect Shield, Summon Slaves (2x Zombie Slaughter)
Drops N/A
Notes 1 Vit, 76 Int

Necromancer.gif (81500 bytes)

Name Tristan III Race ? Lv ? ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element ? HP ? Def ?+?
Size ? Exp ? / ? MDef ?+?
Special N/A
Skills N/A
Drops N/A

Tristan3rd.gif (141609 bytes)

Name Fallen Bishop Race Demon Lv 88 ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element Dark 2 HP 3,267,937 Def ?+15
Size Medium Exp ? / ? MDef ?+133
Special MVP Boss, Agressive
Skills Summon Slaves (4x Banshee)
Drops N/A
Notes High Armor MDef & Def. Temporarially using the Tristan III sprite.

Fallingbishop.gif (141609 bytes)

Name Beelzebub Race Demon Lv 98 ATK ? ~ ?
Image Element Ghost 4 HP 6,666,666 Def ?+238
Size Small Exp ? / ? MDef ?+350
Special MVP Boss, Agressive
Skills Full Screen Silence, Full Sceen Sleep, Shield Break, Coma, Snatch, Spiral Pierce, Summon Slaves (6x Hell Fly, 2x Chon Chon)
Drops N/A
Notes 180~238 Vit, 231~260 Int. Currently bugged on kRo sakray and using the Dragon Fly Sprite.

Beelzebub.gif (67946 bytes)

История изменений в статье

11-03-2009: Добавлены ссылки на квест на прохождение и на гайд по прокачке в подземелье.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 11.03.2009
Просмотров данной статьи: 18873


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