Episode 11.3 Set Equipment

Сеты вещей добавлены в Episode 11.3

Orleans Set

Orleans Server [1] + Orleans Gloves [1]
Equipment Type Weight Def Min Lvl Classes Effect Set Bonus
Orleans Server [1] Shield 100 5 55 All Trans Except Novice 5% chance to reflect targeted magical attacks
MDef + 2
Casting Time - 10%
Orleans Gloves [1] Accessory 30 0 55 All Trans Except Novice DEX + 2, MATK + 3%

Thorn Set

Thorn Shield [1] + Buffalo Horn [1]
Equipment Type Weight Def Min Lvl Classes Effect Set Bonus
Thorny Shield [+] Shield 100 5 55 All Trans Except Novice MDef + 2 ASPD + 20%
Reflects 5% of physical damage.
Horn of the Buffalo [+] Accessory 10 0 90 All Trans Except Novice AGI + 2


Travelers Set

Tidal Shoes [1] + Wool Scarf[1]
Equipment Type Weight Def Min Lvl Classes Effect Set Bonus
Tidal Shoes [+] Shoes 30 3 55 All Trans Except Novice Water Resistance + 5% MaxHP + 10%
HP Regen Rate + 5%.
Wool Scarf [+] Garment 30 3 55 All Trans Except Novice MDef + 4

Dragon's Breath Set

Dragon Slayer + Dragon's Breath[1]
Equipment Type Weight Atk Weapon Lvl Min Lvl Classes Effect Set Bonus
Dragon Slayer Two-Hand Sword 130 150 4 48 Swordsman Type Ignores Dragon Defence
Physical Damage vs Dragon + 15%
Physical Damage vs Dragons + 5%
Equipment Type Weight Def Min Lvl Classes Effect
Breath of the Dragon [+] Armor 60 4 48 All Trans Except Novice Resistance against dragons + 15%
Dragon Killer + Dragon's Breath[1]
Equipment Type Weight Atk Weapon Lvl Min Lvl Classes Effect Set Bonus
Dragon Killer Dagger 90 110 4 60 All Except Acolyte Ignores Dragon Defence
Exp From Dragons + 15%
Physical Damage vs Dragons + 5%
Equipment Type Weight Def Min Lvl Classes Effect
Breath of the Dragon [+] Armor 60 4 48 All Trans Except Novice Resistance against dragons + 15%
Gae Bolg + Dragon's Breath[1]
Equipment Type Weight Atk Weapon Lvl Min Lvl Classes Effect Set Bonus
Gae Bolg Two-Hand Spear 200 160 4 60 Swordsman Type Ignores Dragon Defence
Physical Damage vs Boss Monsters + 10%
Physical Damage vs Dragons + 5%
Equipment Type Weight Def Min Lvl Classes Effect
Breath of the Dragon [+] Armor 60 4 48 All Trans Except Novice Resistance against dragons + 15%

Rider Set

Crest of the Rider + Black Leather Boots
Equipment Type Weight Def Min Lvl Classes Effect Set Bonus
Decoration of the Rider
Decoration of the Rider [+]
Garment 50 4 55 All Trans Except Novice Agi + 2 Flee + 10
Black Leather Boots Shoes 50 4 55 All Trans Except Novice AGI + 1
If refined to + 9 or higher additional Agi + 2.

Phantom Spear Set

Phantom Spear + Seal of Red Silk
Equipment Type Weight Atk Weapon Lvl Min Lvl Classes Effect Set Bonus
Phantom Spear Two-Hand Spear 200 170 4 75 Swordsman Type Increases damage against Demon Race, Undead Element, and Dark Element monsters by 20%.
Reduces damage from Demon Race, Undead Element, and Dark Element monsters by 10%.
Recovery 50hp when you kill an opponent.
Chance to be affected by chaos when you attack.
Reduces the chance of being affected by chaos.
Equipment Type Weight Def Min Lvl Classes Effect
Red Silk of Seal Accessory 10 0 60 All Trans Swordsman -

Divine Cross Set

Divine Cross + Spiritual Ring
Equipment Type Weight Atk Weapon Lvl Min Lvl Classes Effect Set Bonus
Divine Cross Two-Hand Rod 150 120 4 70 Acolyte Type MATK + 15%
Dex + 4
Reduces damage from Demon race monsters by 15%.
MATK + 10%
Dex + 2
Reduces damage from Demon race and Undead element monsters by 10%.
Equipment Type Weight Def Min Lvl Classes Effect
Spiritual Ring Accessory 10 0 - All Classes Int + 2, Dex + 1

История изменений в статье

15-08-2008: Статья добавлена на сайт.
28-03-2009: Поменялось оформление.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 28.03.2009
Просмотров данной статьи: 9080


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