Эпизод 13.2. Шапки

Cat's Footprint Hairpin [1]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A hairpin shaped like a cat's footprint.
Def: 0 MDef: 0 Weight: 20 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: None
  • FLEE +5.
  • Perfect Dodge +3.
  • Obtained through Kobold Extermination Quest (Repeatable).

Cute Ribbon (Green) [0]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A hairband used to secure a hairstyle. The little ribbon emphasizes the wearer's cuteness.
Def: 1 MDef: 0 Weight: 10 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: None
  • MSP +20.
  • Cannot be refined.
  • Made in Morroc dye shop with 1 Cute Ribbon (any colour), and 1 Green Dyestuff.

Cute Ribbon (Red) [0]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A hairband used to secure a hairstyle. The little ribbon emphasizes the wearer's cuteness.
Def: 1 MDef: 0 Weight: 10 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: None
  • MSP +20.
  • Cannot be refined.
  • Made in Morroc dye shop with 1 Cute Ribbon (any colour), and 1 Red Dyestuff.

Cute Ribbon (Blue) [0]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A hairband used to secure a hairstyle. The little ribbon emphasizes the wearer's cuteness.
Def: 1 MDef: 0 Weight: 10 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: None
  • MSP +20.
  • Cannot be refined.
  • Made in Morroc dye shop with 1 Cute Ribbon (any colour), and 1 Blue Dyestuff.

Cute Ribbon (White) [0]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A hairband used to secure a hairstyle. The little ribbon emphasizes the wearer's cuteness.
Def: 1 MDef: 0 Weight: 10 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: None
  • MSP +20.
  • Cannot be refined.
  • Made in Morroc dye shop with 1 Cute Ribbon (any colour), and 1 White Dyestuff.

Bride's Flower Crown [0]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A neat crown of flowers worn at weddings. Long silk ribbons dance and trail behind it.
Def: 1 MDef: 0 Weight: 20 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: None
  • LUK +3.
  • MDEF +2.
  • Made in Orc Village (the entrance to Orc Dungeon level 2) with 1000 Maneater Blossoms and 1 Silk Ribbon.

Heavenly Maiden's Flower [1]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg The lotus worn on the heads of heavenly maidens.
Def: 1 MDef: 0 Weight: 20 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: None
  • INT +1.
  • MDEF +1.
  • Reduce damage from Insect monsters by 5%.

Necktie [1]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A necktie... that goes on your head. Seems too inappropriate to wear with Blush.
Def: 3 MDef: 0 Weight: 10 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: 70
  • VIT +1.
  • HIT -5.
  • SP consumption +5%.
  • When equipped with Blush, increase ASPD by 3%, but also increases Cast Time by 3%.

Cherub Hat [1]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A hat of a little angel urinating. Somewhat embarassing to wear on the head.
Def: 3 MDef: 0 Weight: 60 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: 70
  • MDEF +2.
  • When receiving physical damage, chance to cast level 1 Status Recovery on yourself.

Red Comb [0]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A red comb stuck in the hair.
Def: 0 MDef: 0 Weight: 10 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: None
  • CRIT +6.

Frog Hat [0]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A hat made to look like the god of frogs. It doesn't look much different from ordinary frogs though.
Def: 3 MDef: 0 Weight: 50 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper Usable Jobs: All Required Level: 70
  • MDEF +1.
  • Increase physical and magical damage against Insect monsters by 12%.

Loner's Box (A) [1]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A yellow cardboard box with holes for the eyes. Wearing this box lets you feel what it's like to play alone.
Def: 0 MDef: 0 Weight: 30 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper, Mid, Lower Usable Jobs: All Required Level: 70
  • Allow use of level 1 Piece.
  • Not confirmed.

Loner's Box (B) [1]

5398 Image:na_s.jpg A yellow cardboard box with holes for the eyes. Wearing this box lets you feel what it's like to play alone.
Def: 0 MDef: 0 Weight: 30 Refinable: Yes Location: Upper, Mid, Lower Usable Jobs: All Required Level: 70
  • Allow use of level 1 Piece.
  • Not confirmed.


5398 Image:na_s.jpg A piece of candy you hold in your mouth. Remember to brush your teeth afterwards!
Def: 0 MDef: 0 Weight: 10 Refinable: No Location: Lower Usable Jobs: All Required Level: None
  • MSP +5.

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24-04-2009. Статья добавлена на сайт.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 24.04.2009
Просмотров данной статьи: 21987


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