

Nidhoggur - новый данж, добавленный в эпизоде 13.2 "Encounter Against the Unknown". Игроки должны пройти квест, чтобы попасть в данж.

Monster Info

Name Draco Egg Race Dragon Lv 67 ATK 0
Image Image:draco_egg.gif Element Earth 4 HP 9,822 Def 56+?
Size Medium Exp 1,200 / 1,600 MDef 40+?
Special Passive
Skills Metamorphosis
Drops Piece of Egg Shell
Name Draco Race Dragon Lv 82 ATK 410 ~ 710
Image Image:draco.gif Element Earth 1 HP 18,300 Def 10+18
Size Medium Exp 6,100 / 4,100 MDef 5+41
Special Assist, Passive
Skills Provoke, Throw Stone, Combo Attack, Earth Attribute Attack, Piercing Attack, Fire Breath
Drops Dragon Canine, Dragon Scale, Dragon Tail, Dragon Skin
Name Dark Pinguicula Race Plant Lv 83 ATK 600 ~ 1,450
Image Image:Pinguiculador2.gif Element Poison 2 HP 8,780 Def 15+20
Size Small Exp 7,740 / 5,200 MDef 5+90
Special Aggressive
Skills Heal (9999), Energy Drain, Splash Attack, Stun Attack, Earth Element Attack, Sleep Attack, Stop
Drops Brown Root, Sharp Leaf
Name Aqua Elemental Race Formless Lv 83 ATK 400 ~ 1,600
Image Image:aqua_elemental.gif Element Water 4 HP 33,220 Def 8+20
Size Large Exp 5,430 / 15,300 MDef 12+112
Special Aggressive
Skills Frost Diver, Water Ball, Sleep Attack, Cold Bolt, Slow Cast, Frost Nova
Drops Crystal Tear, Florescent Liquid, Small Jug
Name Phylla Race Formless Lv 85 ATK 350 ~ 2,550
Image Image:phylla.gif Element Water 3 HP 23,880 Def 8+30
Size Medium Exp 2,040 / 6,600 MDef 22+86
Special Aggressive
Skills Lex Divina, Cold Bolt, Water Element Attack, Water Ball
Drops Florescent Liquid, Red Blood, Detrimindexta
Name Rhyncho Race Formless Lv 85 ATK 350 ~ 2,350
Image Image:rhyncho.gif Element Water 3 HP 18,900 Def 5+22
Size Small Exp 2,040 / 6,000 MDef 19+86
Special Aggressive
Skills Snap, Stun Attack, Critical Slash, Hallucination
Drops Florescent Liquid, Crystal Blue, Karvodainirol
Name Bradium Golem Race Formless Lv 101 ATK 12,000 ~ 13,000
Image Image:bradium_golem.gif Element Earth 2 HP 45,200 Def 78+40
Size Large Exp 14,000 / 18,920 MDef 22+30
Special Passive
Skills Stun Attack, Endure, Barrier
Drops Stone Heart, Pure Bradium, Bradium Shield [1]
Name Ancient Tree Race Plant Lv 102 ATK 13,200 ~ 17,400
Image Image:ancient_tree.gif Element Earth 3 HP 30,030 Def 39+32
Size Large Exp 11,020 / 8,900 MDef 43+42
Special Aggressive
Skills Heal (9999), Stun Attack, Splash Attack, Piercing Attack
Drops Withered Branch Staff [1], Life Tree Wooden Shoes
Name Rata Race Demi-Human Lv 107 ATK 8,000 - 15,000
Image Image:rata.gif Element Earth 1 HP 216,600 Def 32+32
Size Medium Exp 70,012 / 34,000 MDef 52+80
Special Boss, Agressive
Skills Snap, Throw Stone, Earth Element Attack, Combo Attack, Splash Attack, Curse Attack, Poisoning Attack, Break Armor, Auto Counter, Piercing Attack, Sonic Blow, Magnum Break, Meteor Assault, Earth Spike, Dark Strike, Jupitel Thunder
Drops Unripe Acorn
Name Duneyrr Race Demi-Human Lv 107 ATK 16,000 - 19,000
Image Image:duneyrr.gif Element Earth 3 HP 265,100 Def 39+47
Size Large Exp 83,030 / 52,000 MDef 35+96
Special Boss, Aggressive
Skills Magnum Break, Undead Element Attack, Fiber Lock, Blind Attack, Dark Strike, Jupitel Thunder, Thunder Storm, Two Hand Quicken, Heal (9999), Sonic Blow, Critical Wounds, Curse Attack
Drops Carrot
Name Dark Shadow Race Formless Lv 114 ATK 10,000 - 15,000
Image Image:dark_shadow.gif Element Shadow 4 HP 42,900 Def 35+40
Size Small Exp 21,000 / 14,000 MDef 44+182
Special Aggressive
Skills Fire Element Attack, Dark Strike, Dark Breath
Drops Piece of Black Cloth, Dark Crystal Fragment, Skull Ring
Name Nidhoggr's Shadow Race Dragon Lv 117 ATK 17,000 - 49,000
Image Image:nydhog.gif Element Shadow 4 HP 3,450,000 Def 60+30
Size Large Exp 4,800,000 / 3,900,000 MDef 75+180
Special Boss, Agressive
Skills Dispell, Quagmire, Evil Land, Fire Breath, Dark Breath, Fire Ball, Meteor Storm, Dark Strike, Earthquake, Hell's Judgement, Pulse Strike, Critical Slash, Magic Mirror, Stone Skin, Invisible, Power Up, Area Sleep, Area Curse, Area Petrification, Slow Cast, Critical Wounds, Dragon Fear, Summon Slaves (Dark Shadow), Call Slaves, Life Stream
Drops Gold Ring

Информация о картах и респауне монстров

Monster Types/Amounts are subject to change.

Berserker's Scar (nyd_dun01) - BGM No. 129 (Fireflies Heaven)
Spawn Unknown

Image:nyd_dun01.png Image:nyd_dun01_.png

Berserker's Scar (nyd_dun02) - BGM No. 129 (Fireflies Heaven)
Spawn Unknown


Nidhoggr's Nest (1@nyd) - BGM No. 129 (Fireflies Heaven)
Spawn Unknown


Nidhoggr's Nest (2@nyd) - BGM No. 130 (Dread and Bold)
Spawn Unknown: Nidhoggr's Shadow, Unknown


История изменений в статье

08-02-2009. Обновлены монстры данжа Nidhoggur. Добавлены Draco Egg, Draco.
29-03-2009: Небольшие обновления описания данжа по разным пунктам.
13-10-2009. Добавлены ссылки на монстров в базе.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 13.10.2009 10:31:21
Просмотров данной статьи: 22464


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