Новое оружие: Ash Vacuum Patch (Ep 13.1)

Swords (One-Handed)

Elemental Sword [3]

13414 image:elemental.png A magical sword that has the 4 Great Elements within. Enables you to unleash great effects on enemies that are not Water/Wind/Earth or Fire property.
ATK: 105 Weapon Level: 3 Weight: 120 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Trans Swordsman, Merchant, Thief Type Required Level: 70 Attribute: Neutral Class: One-Hand Sword
  • STR + 2
  • INT + 4
  • DEX + 1
  • MATK + 5%
  • Neutral Monsters recieve +10% Additional Damage
  • While doing physical or a certain attack, there is a small chance to auto cast bolt spells

Swords (Two-Handed)

Invoker of Death [2]

1186 image:invoker.png It exists only to destroy all of existanace. A cursed weapon only for that purpose. Whoever uses this weapon also gets cursed, and is said to give misfortune.
ATK: 200 Weapon Level: 4 Weight: 200 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Trans Swordsman Type Required Level: 70 Attribute: Neutral Class: Two-Hand Sword
  • STR + 5
  • AGI + 2
  • Perfect Dodge +20
  • When physically attacking, there is a 1% chance you and the enemy will recieve "Hells Power" status effect.
  • When physically attacking, there is a 3% chance to cast Vampire Gift lvl 1, causing 100% damage on each target in a 11x11 area around you. You will recover the damage done on all the targets in this area.
  • When refined to +9 or higher the Sword autocasts Vampire gift lvl 2 instead, covering an area of 15x15 cells and dealing 200% damage on each target.

Spears (Two-Handed)

Ivory Lance [1]

1483 image:ivolan.png A Spear created from the Mammonths Fang

It's very hard hence hard to use but, since the end of the spear isn't sharp, its better to just pierce people with it then cut with it.

ATK: 160 Weapon Level: 3 Weight: 100 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Trans Swordsman Type Required Level: 50 Attribute: Neutral Class: Two-Hand Spear
  • AGI + 2
  • ASPD + 3%
  • When attacking, at a low chance you will cause the bleeding status OR Vital Strike Level 1 happens.
  • Enables use of Spear Stab Level 5.

Carled [1]

1484 image:carled.png Seems like a 2 handed spear that looks like one of the Ancient Temple Holders. A small version of it.
ATK: 150 Weapon Level: 4 Weight: 560 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Lord Knight Required Level: 70 Attribute: Neutral Class: Two-Hand Spear
  • Increases DEF by the refine rate of the weapon.
  • ASPD -10%

Battle Fork [4]

1485 image:fork.png Is said to look like the 2 handed Three Branch Spear, this spear is very light and usable.
ATK: 112 Weapon Level: 2 Weight: 70 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Trans Swordsman Type Required Level: 50 Attribute: Neutral Class: Two-Hand Spear
  • No special effects



1637 image:eraser.png A magical rod that enables you to keep draining the enemies mentality.
ATK: 80 Weapon Level: 4 Weight: 50 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Trans Magican, Trans Acolyte Type Required Level: 70 Attribute: Neutral Class: Rod
  • MATK + 20%?
  • INT + 3
  • DEX + 2
  • SP Recovery Rate +8%
  • There is a small chance while magically attacking, on a radius 11 * 11 of your cell you drain every enemies SP by 20%
  • If Refine rate is 10, the area becomes 19 * 19 and you drain every enemies SP by 60%


Lunar Skillet [3]

1544 image:luna.png A big dark fry pan that looks like its met its age.
ATK: 110 Weapon Level: 3 Weight: 70 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Trans Acolyte Type Required Level: 50 Attribute: Neutral Class: Mace
  • When BASE STR is 77 over above:
    • ASPD +4%
    • 15% chance to stun while physically attacking
  • When a Brute, Plant or Fish Type monster is killed, 5% Chance to drop a food item


Soul of Hillslion [3]

1825 image:soulofhills.png A hard and sharp knuckle that was made from Hillslion's 3 Horns.
ATK: 95 Weapon Level: 3 Weight: 60 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Champion Required Level: 60 Attribute: Neutral Class: Knuckle
  • When physically attacking, there is a chance to cast Vital Strike level 1 on the enemy.
  • When using Chain Crush Combo, there is a small chance to cast Occult Impaction Level 1.
  • When physically attacking, there is a small chance to auto cast Summon Spirit Sphere.


Trackers Dagger [3]

13038 image:tracker.png A dagger that was refined for someones excellence. It's meant to track down people.
ATK: 120 Weapon Level: 3 Weight: 70 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Stalker Required Level: 70 Attribute: Neutral Class: Dagger
  • STR + 1
  • AGI + 2
  • DEX + 1
  • Backstab damage +20%
  • While using Backstab, there is a small chance to cast Bash Level 10.

Ivory Knife [2]

13039 image:ivokni.png A Dagger made from the fangs of a Manmmoth. Like the Lance, its best if you pierce someone with this rather then to cut.
ATK: 130 Weapon Level: 3 Weight: 70 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Trans Swordsman, Merchant, Thief, Archer, Magican Type Required Level: 50 Attribute: Neutral Class: Dagger
  • AGI + 2
  • ASPD + 3%
  • When being attacked, there is a 3% chance to cause Bleeding or to cast Vital Strike level 1 on the enemy.


Stem of Nepentis [2]

1979 image:nepenstem.png The strong tentacles of Nepentis brings forth, a hard yet soft rope.
ATK: 120 Weapon Level: 4 Weight: 100 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Gypsy Required Level: 60 Attribute: Neutral Class: Whip
  • INT + 2
  • When using Slinging Arrow, there is a small chance to cause the Frozen status on enemies.
  • When refined at +9 or higher, the chance is much higher
    Падает с Nepenthes

Rope of Unbalance [3]

1980 image:unbalance.png At the end of the rope is a power that enables enemies to back off. The users hit by this rope have nothing they can do but back off by its powers.
ATK: 110 Weapon Level: 3 Weight: 70 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Gypsy Required Level: 70 Attribute: Neutral Class: Whip
  • AGI + 2
  • DEX + 3
  • Slinging Arrow pushes the enemy 2 cells away
  • Arrow Vulcan makes targets get knocked back by 3 Cells
    Падает с Pinguicula


Harp of Nepentis [2]

1926 image:harp.png A harp made by the strong tentacles of Nepentis.
ATK: 120 Weapon Level: 4 Weight: 100 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Mistrel Required Level: 60 Attribute: Neutral Class: Instrument
  • INT + 2
  • When using Melody Strike, there is a small chance to cause the Frozen status on enemies.
  • When refined at +9 or higher, the chance is much higher
    Падает с Nepenthes

Cello [3]

1925 image:cello.png A Large low voiced Violin Insturment. The strings have 4 Lines and shows a silent but relaxing tone for group bands.
ATK: 110 Weapon Level: 3 Weight: 70 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Mistrel Required Level: 70 Attribute: Neutral Class: Instrument
  • AGI + 2
  • DEX + 3
  • Melody Strike pushes the enemy 2 cells away
  • Arrow Vulcan makes targets get knocked back by 3 Cells
    Падает с Tatacho 5%


Nepentis Bow [2]

1740 image:nepenbow.png A soft bow made by the tentacles of Nepentis.
ATK: 105 Weapon Level: 4 Weight: 100 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Sniper Required Level: 60 Attribute: Neutral Class: Bow
  • When Double Strafing, there is a small chance to Arrow Repel at the same time

Cursed Liar [1]

1741 image:cursed.png A long long time ago, in the Eastern lands, there was a Hero who killed people with a cursed bow.

The bow itself was so cursed that not only the wearer became cursed but the enemies who were struck by it became cursed as well.

ATK: 125 Weapon Level: 4 Weight: 125 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: Trans Archer Type Required Level: 80 Attribute: Neutral Class: Bow
  • LUK - 2
  • When attacking, 4% Chance to curse the enemy

История изменений в статье

29-03-2009: Внесены разнообразные поправки в статью.
20-06-2009. Добавлены имена мобов, с которых будет падать то или иное оружие.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 20.06.2009 10:43:35
Просмотров данной статьи: 18790


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