Archer Village

О городе

Above and behind Payon lies the serene Archer Village. The Archer guild, from which the place takes its name, is located in the northeast. Novices come here to become Archers. The entrance to Payon Cave is found in the northwest, a place of evil where many Demon and Undead monsters roam. Another Archer Village attraction is the Buddha statue in the southeast.



  • 1 - Archer Guild (143,163)
  • 2 - Empty House (92,168)
  • 3 - Tool Shop (73,154)


  • Bulletin Board (79,31) - Gives background information on Archer Village
  • Bulletin Board (39,134) - Gives background information on Payon Cave



Guide - Payon Guide (85,30)

  • Show on minimap: Archer Guild, Tool Shop, Payon Cave

Kafra Employee (55,123)

  • Kafra storage, Rent Cart, Reserve points

Missing NPCs

  • Upgrading NPC, Level 1/2 metal NPC, Level 3/4 metal NPC, Repair NPC, Inn NPC, PVP NPCs

Store NPCs

Tool Dealer (Tool Shop)

  • Arrow, Silver Arrow, Magnifier, Red Potion, Orange Potion, Yellow Potion, White Potion, Green Potion, Concentration Potion, Awakening Potion, Fly Wing, Butterfly Wing, Trap

Trade NPCs

[Bugs] Boy - Young Man (Archer Guild)

  • Oxygen Mask for 5 Ora Ora

Quest NPCs

Dollshoi - Mage Guildsman (122,100)

  • Part of Mage job change quest

Archer Guildsman (Archer Guild)

  • Archer job change NPC

Travel NPCs


Other NPCs

  • Archer Joe (77,131)


Bug Problem

  • The young man has a insect problem - his house is infested with thief bugs. Unlike other "problems" encountered in the game, this one has a very real manifestation. The room contains 7 Thief Bugs on a ~20 minute respawn timer.

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