Access Quests

Таблица квестов для доступа в различные подземелья и на специальные карты.

Таблица в процессе редактирования.

Dungeon (Level)
/ Game Area
Quest Base Level Requirement Party Requirement Access Gained Access Item(s)
Amatsu Dungeon Amatsu Dungeon Entrance Quest None No Upon Completion Feudal Lord Permit
Ayothaya Field 2
& Ayothaya Dungeon
Ayothaya Dungeon Entrance Quest None No Field & Dungeon Level 1 - Step 3
Dungeon Level 2 - Step 8
Holy Threads
& Holier Threads
Brasilis Dungeon Brasilis Dungeon Entrance Quest None No Upon Completion None
El Dicastes Sapha's Visit 70 No Step 8 None
Geffenia[3] Sign Quest 50 Recommended Upon Completion Lucifer's Lament
Kiel Hyre Dungeon Kiel Hyre Quest 70 Recommended Level 1 - Step 36
Level 2 - Upon Completion
Yellow Keycard
& Luxurious Keycard
Lighthalzen Dungeon (Biolabs) Biolabs Entrance Quest 60 (lhz_dun01,lhz_dun02)
95 Non-Trans or
90 Transcendent (lhz_dun03)
No Upon Completion None
Morroc Fields 21 & 22 (Dimensional Gorge) Continental Guard Quest (Resurrection of Satan Morroc) 80 2 People Field 21 - Step 6
Field 22 Upon Completion
Moscovia Dungeon Finding The Moving Island Quest None No Upon Completion Gusli (Equipped)
Nameless Island
& Cursed Monastery
Nameless Island Entrance Quest 80 No Step 14 None
New World (Midgard Camp)
Onward to the New World Quest 70 No Upon Completion None
New World (Splendide & Manuk Fields) New Surroundings 70 No Step 5 None
New World (?) Attitude to the New World 70 No Upon Completion None
Nidhoggur Instance Guardian of Yggdrasil
& Two Tribes (Step 7)
70 No Step 9 None
Prontera Culverts Prontera Culverts Entrance Quest None No Upon Completion None
Rachel Sanctuary Rachel Sanctuary Quest 60 No Upon Completion None
Scaraba Dungeon Level 1 Sapha's Visit 70 No Step 8 None
Scaraba Dungeon Level 2 Doha's Secret Orders 70 No Step 6 Ring of the Ancient Wise King (Equipped)
Turtle Island Turtle Island Entrance Quest None No Upon Completion None
Yggdrassil Dungeon (Nidhoggur's Nest) Two Tribes 70 No Step 7 None

История изменений в статье

15-03-2012. Статья добавлена на сайт.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 15.03.2012 13:42:29
Просмотров данной статьи: 21689


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