Получение профессии Knight

Информация о Knight расположена на этой странице.

Для получения профессии Рыцаря вы должны быть 40 дж-лв или выше. Идите в верхнюю-левую часть Пронтеры, в Chivalry. Это здание также известно как Knight Guild. Его координаты (47, 344) Prontera. Внутри поговорите с NPC Chivalry Captain Herman (88, 101) inside. Он стоит за столом (около Recruiter; который дает квест на проход в данжеон Канализацию).

Поговорите с Sir Andrew Syloc, стоящим рядом со входом (75, 107). Персонажам с 50 дж-лв этого делать не обязательно.

Он случайным образом выдаст список предметов, которые нужно будет собрать. Всего существует 4 возможных варианта: Сет 1, Сет 1 без одного предмета (например, без одного Heart of Mermaid), Сет 2, и Сет 2 без одного предмета (например, Mane). Как только все предметы будут собраны, возвращайтесь к Sir Andrew Syloc, который у вас их благополучно конфискует.

  • Сет 1:
    5 Bug Leg
    5 Clam Flesh
    5 Maneater Blossom
    5 Old Frying Pan
    5 Snail Shell
    5 Heart of Mermaid
  • Сет 2:
    5 Elder Pixie's Moustache
    5 Orcish Voucher
    5 Mane
    5 Moth Dust
    5 Reptile Tongue
    5 Wing of Red Bat

Поговорите с Sir James Siracuse, который стоит в южной части комнаты, около стола (71, 91). Он будет задавать вам вопросы. Если вы провалили этот тест - поговорите с ним еще раз.

Правильные ответы:

  • Вопрос 1 - Weapon unaffected by Two Hand Quicken is Flamberge
  • Вопрос 2 - Skill not required for Bowling Bash is Provoke Level 10
  • Вопрос 3 - Option not necessary for Brandish Spear is Spear Boomerang
  • Вопрос 4 - Weapon that can attack a Nightmare monster is Zephyrus
  • Вопрос 5 - The correct amount is 80%
  • Вопрос 6 - You should tell the novice about a hunting area
  • Вопрос 7 - In the front of a battle you should protect everyone
  • Вопрос 8 - The most important value of a Knight is honor

Для прохождения следующего теста вам понадобится сделать некоторые приготовления, т.к. вам предстоит БИТВА. Отрегеньте полностью свои HP/SP. Запаситесь потами на HP. У вас не будет времени на то, чтобы посидеть и порегениться, т.к. время теста будет ограничено. Берите побольше белых потов, если нет денег - мяса до перегруза в 89%. Возьмите также Зеленых потов для снятия Blind-статуса, который вам будут вешать во втором раунде (Blind понижает flee и hit). Возьмите Awake Potions для увеличения ASPD, это позволит вам быстрее убивать мобов.
Оденьте лучший эквип, который у вас есть. Большинство монстров в первом раунде боятся огня, а во втором - воды. Поэтому если у вас есть элементальные мечи - используйте их.

Итак, если вы готовы, говорите с Sir Windsor, стоящим в центре комнаты (79, 94). Он отправит вас в комнату ожидания. Зайдите в чат-рум над головой NPCи не выходите из него, пока вас не перенесут в первую комнату.

Всего вас ожидает три раунда. В каждом раунде биться придется с разными монстрами, все они должны быть убиты за определенное время. Сколько вам осталось времени - вам постоянно будут напоминать. Не забудьте проверить углы комнат, вы могли пропустить какого-нибудь монстра. Если вы провалили тест, вас автоматически телепортируют обратно в гильдию Рыцарей, пополните запасы потов, восстановите HP/SP и снова говорите с Sir Windsor.

Раунд 1:
2 Andre, 2 Argos, 2 Deniro, 2 Dustiness, 2 Piere
Используйте оружие с элементом Огонь. Argos - агрессивные монстры, поэтому лучше всего их убивать первыми. Для их убийства используйте Bash, а муравьев уже бейте простыми ударами, берегите СП для следующих раундов. Муравьи (Andre, Deniro, Piere) будут сильно мешаться под ногами, лутая предметы, но если вы не будете их бить без разбора, они вас не тронут. Для убийства Dustiness можно использовать Bash, если у вас мало DEX.

Раунд 2
2 Anacondaq, 2 Desert Wolf, 4 Drainliar, 2 Frilldora
С оружием элемента Воды лучше всего убивать Desert Wolves и Frilldora. Попытайтесь отбежать в угол, чтобы на вас не набросились все монстры, находящиеся в комнате. Убейте Desert Wolves как можно быстрее, т.к. они агрессивные. После этого убивайте Drainliar. Ну а потом просто убейте всех кто остался, всех по очереди. Не забывайте использовать Green Potion, если вас ослепили. На прохождение этого раунда вам будет дано 3 минуты.

Раунд 3
6 Goblin (разных типов), 1 Goblin Steamrider
Не используйте элементальное оружие, т.к. все мобы тут различных элементов. Немедленно бегите в угол комнаты, чтобы на вас не бросились все гоблины, находящиеся там. Сначала убивайте простых гоблинов. Не забывайте есть поты для восстановления HP и SP. Используйте Bash для убийства, ведь это важнейшая битва в тесте. После убийства всех простых гоблинов уже можно башами добивать Лидера до его самоуничтожения. Как только вы убьете всех гоблинов, вас автоматически телепортируют обратно в Chivalry.

Далее нас снова ждут вопросы. Поговорите с Lady Amy в левом углу комнаты (69, 107).
Правильные ответы:

1. Inquire
2. Tell
3. Lead
4. Would
5. Ask


Look for people seeking Knights.
Lead the party slowly at the front.
Defend while the party retreats.
Ask your party's Priest to help.
Decide with party who gets it.
Inquire if there is anyone that is interested.
Give suggestions for a place to hunt.
Lead the person to the exit.
Would it be possible to get a heal please?
Simply walk by.

После этого поговорите с Sir Edmund, расположенным в (70, 99). Он телепортнет вас на карту с Porings, Lunatics, и Chon Chons. Не атакуйте никого из этих монстров. Если вы оставите все эти невинные создания живыми, через несколько минут вас телепортнут обратно в комнату с NPC. Вы прошли еще один тест.

Поговорите с Sir Gray в (87, 92). Да-да. Опять вопросы. Ответы на вопросы выбирайте самые дружелюбные и альтруистические.

  • 1. Stronger
  • 2. To protect others
  • 3. Those waiting for me
  • 4. Friends

Ну вот и все. Говорите с первым NPC, Chivalry Captain Herman. Позравляю! Вы - рыцарь!

Sign up

When ready to become a Knight, visit the Chivalry - a building located in the north-west corner of Prontera. This is also known as the Knight Guild. Inside, speak to the NPC Chivalry Captain found standing behind a desk to apply (avoid The Recruiter; signing up for his mission transports the player to the Culverts, one map west of Prontera).


Go to (47, 344) Prontera, then (88, 101) inside and speak to Chivalry Captain (Captain Herman).
Job level 40 or higher Swordman, all skill points used.

Item Collecting

Speak to Sir Andrew, located close to the entrance (75, 107). Job 50 characters are not required to do this.

He will randomly assign a list of items to collect. There are four different possibilities: Set 1, Set 1 excluding one type of item (i.e. none of the Heart of Mermaids will be required), Set 2, and set 2 excluding one type of item (i.e. Mane). Once these items are collected, return to Sir Andrew who will then take them all.

Set 1:

5 Bug Leg
5 Clam Flesh
5 Maneater Blossom
5 Old Frying Pan
5 Snail Shell
5 Heart of Mermaid

Set 2:

5 Elder Pixie's Moustache
5 Orcish Voucher
5 Mane
5 Moth Dust
5 Reptile Tongue
5 Wing of Red Bat

Knight Quiz

Speak to Sir Siracuse, found at the south end of the room by a table (71, 91). He asks questions pertaining to the Knight class. If this test is failed, speak to him again to re-take it however many times desired.

Quiz Answers:

Question 1 - Weapon unaffected by Twohand Quicken is
Question 2 - Skill not required for Bowling Bash is
[Provoke Level 10]
Question 3 - Option not necessary for Brandish Spear is
[Spear Boomerang ]
Question 4 - Weapon that can attack a Nightmare monster is
[Zephyrus ]
Question 5 - The correct amount is
[80% ]
Question 6 - You should tell the novice about a
[hunting area ]
Question 7 - In the front of a battle you should
[protect everyone ]
Question 8 - The most important value of a Knight is
[honor ]

Q1] Let's say your in Morroc and you want to recruit a party member. What would you do?
[Answer: 'Make a chatroom and wait.' ]

[Q2] You're in a party with a hunter, a priest, a wizard, a blacksmith, and an assassin. The six of you decide to train in the Pyramids. Your party makes it to the fourth floor of the pyramid, what will you do now?
[Answer:check area and make sure it's safe for all' ]

[Q3] A lame-o guy creates a mob right in front of your party and disappears. What would you do?
[Answer: 'let party retreat' ]

[Q4] Somehow you beat the mob. Your party then journeys on and you stumble upon someone who has fainted. This guy begs you to help him, what will you do?
[Answer: 'Ask the priest in your party to help.']

[Q5] You guys have to go to different places so you guys seperate yourselves into smaller groups. During your previous battles, a monster dropped a very valuable item that you picked up. What do you do with it?
[Answer: 'Give it to the person that deserves it the most.' ]

[Q6] You decide to go back to Prontera and sell some of the valuble items you picked up. On the road, you see a lot of chatrooms. What would be the best way to sell them?
[Answer: 'Create a chatroom to advertise the items.' ]

[Q7] Someone comes up to you and begs you for money. What would you do?
[Answer: 'Tell him a place where its suitable for him to hunt.']

[Q8] Now your alone and training in a forest. You are happily riding a pecopeco. You run into somone who's lost. What do you do?
[Answer: 'Tell her where the exit is.']

[Q9] You're still in the forest but now your busy fighting monsters. You realize that you've run out of healing items and your health is very low. Suddenly a priest appears! What would you do?
[Answer: 'if it possible Would you please heal me']

Battle Test

Read all of the below before approaching Sir Windsor.

Speak to Sir Windsor, near the middle of the room (79, 94) who will transport the player to a waiting room. Enter the chat room found here and expect to be transported to the first stage of the Battle Test if no one else is in line; otherwise, wait inside the chat room patiently for others to finish the test.

There are three rounds of fighting monsters. In each stage, different monsters will spawn: all of these must be killed within the amount of time allocated (there will be announcements indicating the time remaining). Remember to check all the corners of the room for monsters that could have been missed. If the test is failed, then after being automatically teleported back to the Chivalry: restock necessary items, restore HP/SP, and talk to Sir Windsor again to re-do the test.

Before beginning this test, the player should insure they fully prepared:

HP/SP fully healed.
HP Potions
There will not be time to sit and regen HP during the test because of the time limit.
Especially recommended for those under level 60. 15 Orange/White Potions is ideal, but a large stock of Meat or the like will suffice.
Green Potions
To remove the Blind status often inflicted in level 2 (Blind lowers flee and hit).
Awake Potions (Lvl 40+) / Concentration Potions
To increase ASPD, thus killing monsters faster.
Best equipment owned & appropriate weapons
Vit/1h Swordsmen should at least have an NPC +6 Ring Pommel Saber [2] (100 ATK One Handed Sword) and a shield.
Agi/2h Swordmen with Sword Mastery can follow the above as they will not be dodging when mobbed. Otherwise, use an upgraded Two Handed Sword.
Many of the monsters in round 1 are weak to Fire, while some monsters in round 2 are weak to Water. Fire and Water endowed weapons can be used here for players that can afford them.
SP restoring items only if affordable
Will relieve the need to conserve SP for rounds 2 and 3.
Allows more usage of Bash, increasing the chances of killing all the monsters and passing the test.

Round 1:
2 Andre, 2 Argos, 2 Deniro, 2 Dustiness, 2 Piere
A Fire elemental weapon is useful for this stage. The Argos are aggressive, so kill them first. Using Bash on them is viable, but use melee attacks on the "ants" to conserve SP for stages 2 and 3. The ants (Andre, Deniro, Piere) will draw near to loot items but are not naturally aggressive. The Dustiness may require Bash to be hit for low level Swordman with little DEX.

Round 2:
2 Anacondaq, 2 Desert Wolf, 4 Drainliar, 2 Frilldora
A Water elemental weapon can help kill the Desert Wolves or Frilldoras. Try running to a corner to avoid being mobbed by all of the monsters in the room. Kill the Desert Wolves quickly, as they are aggressive and do the most damage. The second priority monsters are any attacking Drainliar. Then kill all remaining monsters in the room one by one. Remember to use a Green Potion if inflicted by the Blind status. 3 minutes are given to complete this round.

Round 3:
6 Goblin (assorted types), 1 Steamrider
Do not use an elemental weapon, as all the Goblins have a different element. Immediately run to a corner to avoid getting mobbed by the entire room. First kill the Goblins attacking that are in range (do not run halfway across the map to kill the archer), save the Steamrider; if using Bash or Magnum Break on the Goblins, ensure that there will be enough SP to Bash the Steam Goblin at least 3-5 times at the end. Once all the normal Goblins are killed, Bash the Steam Goblin to death, or whenever it is not stunned. Additionally, make sure you are not at low HP when fighting the Steamrider as it self destructs. Once all the monsters in Round 3 are dead, the player will be transported back to the Chivalry.

Word Association

Click on Lady Amy in the bottom left corner of the Chivalry (69, 107) to begin her quiz.


1. Inquire
2. Tell
3. Lead
4. Would
5. Ask

Self Control

Next, engage in a conversation with Sir Edmund, located at (70, 99). He will teleport the player to a map with Porings, Lunatics, and Chon Chons. Do not attack any of these monsters. If the player complies with sparing these innocent creatures' lives, they will be teleported back to the Chivalry after a few minutes, passing the test.

Personality Quiz

Talk to Sir Gray at (87, 92), who presents a quiz. The quickest way to finish his test is with the answers below, however nearly any answer can be selected and he will simply try to persuade the player to answer differently. Just select answers that portray a friendly, altruistic player.


1. Stronger
2. To protect others
3. Those waiting for me
4. Friends

Job Change

Return to the first NPC, the Chivalry Captain. There will be a lot of dialect until finally he changes the player's job to Knight. 7 Awakening Potions (these increase ASPD) will be rewarded regardless of job level. Achieving job 50 does not reward any extra items.

Английский вариант расположен на "http://irowiki.org/wiki/Knight_Job_Change_Guide"
Русский перевод квеста взят с http://secondreality.flybb.ru/topic867.html.

1) Спасибо Pepsodent за ссылки на русский перевод.

Последнее изменение данной страницы было: 28.01.2009
Просмотров данной статьи: 56459


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